The Future of Education in Africa

Education in Africa is not where it could be. There are some glimmers of hope in some countries, some districts and schools and in many teachers, but on the whole, education is a burden to our current economy and way of life. Those who suffer under the maladministration of political battles and misaligned curriculums are almost doomed to a future life of poverty, unemployment and crime to stay alive.

So what can be done? We got together with some experienced analysts, thinkers and a futurist to discuss this topic. Not to find a solution, but to open dialogue and scratch the itch that is too often swept under the political agenda carpet.

Here is the full discussion held on 24th January 2024 with Bruce Wade, Steve Johnson and Charlotte Kemp.

By |2024-01-25T11:51:31+00:00January 25, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sustainability for Africa

Africa is under siege from the Western and Eastern global powers. Our resources are being stripped away, our people are becoming economic slaves and the local economies are failing around us.

The more we need help, the more support is offered with strings or degradation attached. It seems like a no-win situation for most countries across the continent.

But the people of Africa are resilient, we have a depth of character and endurance. We also have each other to lean on the learn from as we face this uncertain future.

Sustainable African Solutions is one of those pillars people can lean on. Our mission is to become the conduit and aggregator of projects that are designed to empower and uplift people, communities, cities and countries across the region. We aim to bring together the financial resources, the people and the projects that will help turn the tide on the destination of our people.

African sustainability is achievable. We have begun to see what they are doing in Ghana, Rwanda, Egypt and many other countries. the people have picked themselves up, shaken off the dust of yesteryear and taken their own future under their own control.

This is African Sustainability seen developing before our eyes.

But there remains many who have not yet learnt, not yer realised that there is a dark downward spiral that waits for them. These are those who are only looking at themselves and how to rape and pillage the resources with the aid of outsiders until nothing is left for their children. We pray and hope that they will learn and learn fast before it is too late for the countries they govern and manage.


By |2023-02-16T12:28:25+00:00February 16, 2023|Sustainability|0 Comments
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